NGO Fund - 1st Round

The Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation is publishing the Guidelines and specific annexes for SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Component, within Round 1 of the NGO Fund, part of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

The general objective of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Component is to support sustainable development and the improvement of the environment in Romania through the contribution of the NGOs and through public participation. This Component will support projects under the following main areas: climate change, biodiversity and landscape protection, ecotourism, environmental advocacy and watchdog activities / increased environmental awareness and public participation in environmental decision-making, environmental education.

The total allocation for this Component under the first round of Call for proposals is 2,100,000 Euro.

Grants are dedicated to NGOs. More information about eligibility conditions for the applicant and partners can be found in the Guidelines for applicants. Guidelines and annexes are available only in Romanian language.

An applicant organisation may submit a maximum number of 2 project proposals under SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Component for this Call for proposals, out of which only 1 proposal for Large grants.

Deadline for submitting applications is 31st of July, 2013.

Questions related to this Call for Proposals may be addressed by potential applicants by e-mail, phone or by fax no later 25th of July (including) to: Imola Antal - Programme Manager, e-mail: environment {at}; phone: 0266 310 678 0266 310 678; fax: 0266 310 678.

Answers will be given no later than 29th of July 2013 and questions that may be relevant to other applicants, together with the answers, will be published on the Programme website and on the website of the Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation.

In order to support possible applicants, 5 general information sessions will be organised, containing information about the launching of all 5 Components of the NGO Fund.

The Guidelines for applicants and the specific annexes can be downloaded by clicking on the folder: Download documents (in the upper right-hand corner of this page).

Support to civil society is one of the key priorities of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding with Romania on the implementation of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009 - 2014.

Civil Society Development Foundation together with its partners Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation and Resource Center for Roma Communities is the Fund Operator in Romania, being entrusted to implement the Non-Governmental Organisations Programme.

The overall objective of the NGO Fund in Romania is "Strengthened civil society development and enhanced contribution to social justice, democracy and sustainable development" and shall contribute to the overall objectives of the EEA Financial Mechanism to reduce economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and to strengthen bilateral relations between Romania and the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

The Programme will contribute to improving governance in Romania by encouraging citizens' active participation, NGOs effective and extensive involvement in policy debates and specific measures such as those looking at corruption and rule of law. 

Bilateral relations with donor states are encouraged within the NGO Programme to facilitate networking and collaboration with donor states entities, outreach and exchange of knowledge.

The allocation of resources is established on five components, as follows:
  • Engage - implemented by Civil Society Development Foundation
  • Social justice implemented by Civil Society Development Foundation and Resource Center for Roma Communities
  • Sustainable development - implemented by Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation
  • Welfare and basic services - implemented by Civil Society Development Foundation
  • NGO capacity development. Networks and coalitions - implemented by Civil Society Development Foundation
The projects that will be financed within this programme shall contribute to one or more of the following outcomes:
  • active citizenship fostered,
  • increased involvement of NGOs in policy and decision-making processes with local, regional and national governments,
  • cross-sectoral partnerships developed, particularly with government, organisations at local, regional and/or national level,
  • democratic values, including human rights, promoted,
  • advocacy and watchdog role developed,
  • developed networks and coalitions of NGOs working in partnership,
  • strengthened capacity of NGOs and an enabling environment for the sector promoted,
  • increased contribution to sustainable development achieved,
  • provision of welfare and basic services to defined target groups increased,
  • empowerment of vulnerable groups.
The project proposals are encouraged to tackle the following horizontal concerns of the Programme: hate speech, extremism and hate crime, racism and xenophobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism, tolerance and multicultural understanding, Roma, sexual harassment, violence against women and trafficking.

All Projects supported under the Programme have to abide by the principles of:
  • good governance,
  • sustainable development (social, economic and environment perspectives),
  • gender equality.

The Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation is in charge of implementing the Sustainable Development component during the period 2013 to 2016.

The total budget of this component is 3,500,000 EUR.
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